Where have I been?

By Izabel Carter

It has been a little while since I last posted on the blog. Here are four reasons why…

  1. Partners in Wellbeing – 2018 was a pivotal year for me. At the end of September, I was thrilled to open Partners in Wellbeing on Hamslade Green, Poundbury, a quiet area just down from Queen Mother Square.
  2. Becoming a Qualified Practitioner in Advanced Facial Reflexology. Taught by Ziggie Bergman (Facial Reflexologist to the Stars), who developed the technique, followed by the assessment of three case studies.
  3. Becoming a Qualified Practitioner in Zone Face Lift. Taught by Ziggie Bergman, who developed the technique, followed by the assessment of one case study (12 weeks).
  4. Learning Reflexology Lymph Drainage. Taught by Sally Kay who developed the sequence, followed by a case study (currently awaiting assessment).

Rather than bombard you with all the detail here – there will be a blog post on the new treatments in the next few weeks. First though, about Partners in Wellbeing…

Three years after leaving corporate life, and working at other clinics as a reflexologist around Dorchester, I felt the time was right to create my own space for my treatments. Taking on the lease in July 2018, I spent the best part of three months putting my heart and soul into creating an environment that relaxes the mind, body and spirit. At the end of September, I was thrilled to open Partners in Wellbeing on Hamslade Green, Poundbury, a quiet area just down from Queen Mother Square.

With just two treatment treatment rooms, and well chosen therapists, I wanted to create a space that was welcoming for clients, and attractive to other therapists. Uncluttered but not clinical.

In setting up the clinic, there were four principles at the heart of every decision I made:

  • Good for Clients
    • A calm, quiet, warm, comfortable, safe, private space.
    • Therapists have set sessions, so availability is clear.
  • Good for Therapists
    • Set sessions, so that they can make future bookings with confidence.
    • Minimal comings and goings.
  • Local
    • 75% of setup was with local businesses.
    • Special mention for Gallery on the Square, Fusion Lighting, The Carpet Company and Austin Wells Design, Damers Blinds.
  • Environment
    • Minimise waste going to landfill.
    • Minimise single use plastic, and recyle as much as possible.
    • Use of washable face towels for hand drying.
    • Achieved Plastic Free Approved Status

I now have a dedicated room for my treatments, with everything to hand. I invested in a hydraulic treatment couch, suitable for those with mobility issues; as well as fully supporting the body during the treatment.

The other room is setup as suitable for talking therapies, but could accommodate a couch for body treatments, such as massage. I am looking for suitable therapists to join me. If you are interested, please email me on [email protected].